Guide to The Best Performance Settings In Dislyte

Just slight changes to your Dislyte settings can make a world of difference to its performance. It can stabilize your in-game performance with surprising smoothness. Adjusting your graphics settings slightly may reduce the resolution of your graphics but it will immensely increase the quality of gameplay. You can even reduce the animation detail, and either partly or entirely remove the anti-aliasing option as well. To do this, simply follow these steps:

Launch the Dislyte app Look to the top left corner of your screen Now, click on your avatar icon Go to your settings on the bottom right This will open the graphics settings tab Now, you can adjust your graphics settings

Based on the specs of your phone, we have given the recommended Dislyte performance settings for each accordingly.

Different Graphics Settings

The regular settings will look like this:

Graphics: Extreme HDR Rendering: On Physics Simulation: On Anti-Aliasing: 4X

If your smartphone has good to great specs then this should work without any problem. However, if your phone is of an older model then this will probably cause many problems for you. And so, you will need to change your graphics settings in Dislyte for a better performance as the game will function smoothly. Change your settings to the following if your phone specs are relatively average:

Graphics: HD/Normal HDR Rendering: On Physics Simulation: Off Anti-Aliasing: 2X

If your specs are significantly worse for whatever reason then maybe these specs should work better:

Graphics: Normal/Smooth HDR Rendering: Off Physics Simulation: Off Anti-Aliasing: Close

Remember kids, Anti-Aliasing at 8x is never a need. This will slow down your phone in any battle to the max, no matter how good your specs are. It’s just not worth it. Follow these settings for the best Dislyte gaming performance on your smartphone. And follow this cardinal rule of mobile gaming: Never play mobile games with background apps running. If you follow these rules then you’re sure to have a smooth gaming experience. When you play with the right performance settings for your device, of course. This was our guide on how to get the best performance settings in Dislyte. For more Dislyte guides then check out this one on how you can get Triki in Dislyte.